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Source code for harp_apps.sqlalchemy_storage.models.base
from functools import wraps
from typing import Generic , TypeVar
from sqlalchemy import delete , select
from sqlalchemy.exc import NoResultFound
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncAttrs
from sqlalchemy.orm import DeclarativeBase
from sqlalchemy.sql.functions import func
class Base ( AsyncAttrs , DeclarativeBase ):
def with_session ( f ):
Decorates a method to ensure it is called with a sql alchemy session, if it is not, then create one to wrap the
:param f:
@wraps ( f )
async def contextualized_with_session ( self , * args , session = None , ** kwargs ):
if session is None :
async with session or self . session_factory () as session :
return await f ( self , * args , session = session , ** kwargs )
return await f ( self , * args , session = session , ** kwargs )
return contextualized_with_session
TRow = TypeVar ( "TRow" )
class Repository ( Generic [ TRow ]):
Type : TRow = None
def __init__ ( self , session_factory , / ):
self . session_factory = session_factory
def select ( self ):
return select ( self . Type )
def delete ( self ):
return delete ( self . Type )
def count ( self ):
return select ( func . count ()) . select_from ( self . Type )
async def find_one ( self , values : dict , / , session , ** select_kwargs ) -> TRow :
return (
await session . execute (
self . select ( ** select_kwargs ) . where (
* ( getattr ( self . Type , attr ) == value for attr , value in values . items ())
. unique ()
. scalar_one ()
async def find_one_by_id ( self , id : str , / , session = None , ** select_kwargs ) -> TRow :
return await self . find_one ({ "id" : id }, session = session , ** select_kwargs )
async def find_or_create_one ( self , values : dict , / , session , defaults = None , ** select_kwargs ) -> TRow :
try :
return await self . find_one ( values , session = session , ** select_kwargs )
except NoResultFound :
return await self . create (( defaults or {}) | values , session = session )
async def create ( self , values : dict , / , * , session ):
item = self . Type ( ** values )
session . add ( item )
await session . commit ()
return item