
This is the documentation for HARP Proxy, actually published as an early preview. Both the software and documentation are a work in progress, and although we already use it on various production servers, they may contain inaccuracies, typographical errors, huge mistakes and empty pages. We work hard to eradicate all mistakes and implement stuff, but it is a long and tedious process. We appreciate your patience and understanding. Of course, any help will be greatly appreciated.

Version 0.5.1 (2024-06-27)


  • Previous and next button in transaction detail pane allows to navigate through transactions (#394).

  • Transaction list can be easily refreshed (#396).

  • Transaction lists shows a summary of transaction count shown and total (#395).

  • Stores storage metrics in prometheus gauges to monitor evolution.

  • Adds a db:reset command to reset the database.

  • Examples are now bundled within the harp.config.examples subpackage and can be loaded from commandline using -e name or --example name (#379).

  • All example files are now parsed and validated in the test suite (#378).


  • Dashboard overview is now implemented using Apache ECharts and shows more information, in a clearer way.

  • Settings can now be validated in a secure or unsecure way, allowing each settings to define the security logic (related to #54).

  • SQLAlchemy url setting now use the sqlalchemy.URL type to prepare for subfields overriding (related to #54).

  • Default cache settings now sets allow_heuristics=False and allow_stale=False to avoid unexpected behavior due to premature cache eagerness.


  • Ability to run devserver with custom port


  • bump alembic from 1.13.1 to 1.13.2

  • bump hishel from 0.0.27 to 0.0.29

  • bump ruff from 0.4.9 to 0.4.10

  • bump sentry-sdk from 2.5.1 to 2.7.0

  • bump sqlalchemy from 2.0.30 to 2.0.31

  • bump testcontainers from 4.5.1 to 4.6.0