Docker & Docker Compose ======================= A ready-to-use image is published on Docker Hub as `makersquad/harp-proxy `_. Download the image :::::::::::::::::: To download the latest stable version, use: .. code-block:: shell docker image pull makersquad/harp-proxy Tags are available for all tagged versions, and for latest points of main and dev branches (`git-main` and `git-dev` respectively). Start a proxy ::::::::::::: For a test run, you can: .. code-block:: shell docker run -it --rm -p 4000-4100:4000-4100 makersquad/harp-proxy This will start the proxy using the default settings (in memory sqlite storage) and by default, the dashboard will be available `locally on the 4080 port `_. This first run is not very interesting, because there are no proxy ports configured. Nothing can get through, yet. Stop this container and run another with a remote endpoint setup: .. code-block:: shell docker run -it --rm -p 4000-4100:4000-4100 makersquad/harp-proxy server --endpoint httpbin=4000: This will start a container with an additional port that will proxy requests to ` `_. In another terminal, send a few requests through the configured proxy port (you can use your favorite http client for this instead of curl): .. code-block:: shell curl -X GET "http://localhost:4000/get" -H "accept: application/json" curl -X POST "http://localhost:4000/post" -H "accept: application/json" curl -X PUT "http://localhost:4000/put" -H "accept: application/json" Open the `dashboard `_ again, you'll be able to see the transactions that went through. Use docker compose :::::::::::::::::: To add a harp proxy to your `docker-compose.yml` file, first create a configuration file: .. code-block:: shell cat > harp.yaml <