Releasing a new source version ============================== 1. Pull and check dependencies are there. .. code-block:: shell git pull --tags make install-dev 2. Generate next version number .. code-block:: shell poetry version # ... or edit the version in pyproject.toml .. code-block:: shell export VERSION=`poetry version --short` export OLD_VERSION=`git describe --tags --abbrev=0` echo New version: $VERSION - Old version: $OLD_VERSION 3. Update version numbers in other project files... .. code-block:: shell gsed -i -e "s/^__version__ = .*/__version__ = \"$VERSION\"/" harp/ gsed -i -e "s/^appVersion: .*/appVersion: \"$VERSION\"/" misc/helm/charts/harp-proxy/Chart.yaml 4. Generate a changelog... .. code-block:: shell git log --oneline --no-merges --pretty=format:"* %s (%an)" $OLD_VERSION.. > docs/contribute/changelogs/$VERSION.rst git add docs/contribute/changelogs/$VERSION.rst 5. Reboot computer (yes, we'll get better but that's the easiest way to have reproductible benchmarks for now) and run the benchmarks on new version .. code-block:: shell poetry run make benchmark-save .. todo:: use poetry version for benchmark save ? .. warning:: benchmarks are broken for now, but we'll re-add it soon. - **Edit the changelog index** (`docs/contribute/changelogs/index.rst`) to add the new version (title, date). - **Add a title** to the new changelog file. - **Add the performance graphs** to the release note. 6. Add to git .. code-block:: shell poetry run make preqa git add docs/reference git add -p 7. Run a full test suite again (todo: from a clean virtualenv) .. todo:: - This should be done from a clean virtualenv, but it's not yet the case (mitigated for now by using a clean git worktree on each release, but this is undocumented for now). Git add is there to check nothing was modified by QA suite. .. code-block:: shell poetry run make qa git add -p 8. Create the git release .. code-block:: shell git commit -m "release: $VERSION" 9. Tag and push .. code-block:: shell git tag -am "release: $VERSION" $VERSION .. code-block:: shell git push origin `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` --tags