Chores before releasing ======================= Before a new release is sent to the world, it's usually a good idea to do some housekeeping. Update and cleanup dependencies ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Read dependencies list, ensure nothing is outdated -------------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: shell poetry show --tree --without dev .. code-block:: shell-session ( cd harp_apps/dashboard/frontend; pnpm list ) Update dashboard's frontend dependencies ---------------------------------------- .. code-block:: shell ( cd harp_apps/dashboard/frontend; pnpm update --interactive ) Update python dependencies -------------------------- To update all dependencies to their latest compatible version, use the following (requires the poetry-up plugin). Beware that everything will be updated non interactively, you must review pyproject.toml diff after that. .. code-block:: shell poetry up git diff pyproject.toml Check that all tests are passing (they need background services, for now) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: shell poetry run make qa Eventually commit the updated dependencies ------------------------------------------ .. code-block:: shell git add -p pyproject.toml poetry.lock harp_apps/dashboard/frontend/package.json harp_apps/dashboard/frontend/pnpm-lock.yaml All good ? Let's push that. .. code-block:: shell git commit -m "chore: cleanup and update dependencies" git push